Settings is here to help you manage your experience using an easy-to-navigate design to help you find what you need quickly.
How to access Settings
On a computer, begin by logging into your account. From your Dashboard, click the round button in the lower left corner. Select Settings.
Tab by tab tour
Profile tab
Personal info
Profile picture: Upload a professional headshot that your patients will see in your waiting room, in the chat box, in group calls, and any time your camera is turned off. Select a photo from your device or use a LinkedIn photo. Optional field.
Title, First name, Last name: Enter your name and title for records. Your first and last name are required fields.
Preferred display name: Choose how your name appears on invites, at check-in, and in your waiting room. If you leave this field empty, we’ll use your title and last name. Optional field.
Professional info
National Provider Identifier (NPI) number: Enter your unique, 10-digit National Provider Identifier (NPI) number that is issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Optional field.
Primary specialty: Choose from our list of primary specialties so we can tailor the product to your needs. Optional field.
States licensed to practice: Select the state or states in which you are licensed to practice your field of care. Optional field.
Your position or title: Add your position or title. Optional field.
Account tab
Sign in and security
Email: View or edit the email address associated with your account. Updates made here will impact the email address you use to sign in to your account. Required field.
Password: Change the password associated with your account. Updates made here will impact the password you use to sign in to your account. Required field.
Delete account
Permanent account deletion: Deleting your account will erase your account and all associated data permanently.
Plans and payment (Paid plan feature)
Payment information: Use the Get receipts and update payment information button to complete these actions.
Manage subscription: Choose to upgrade, change, or cancel your subscription.
Business Associate Agreement: All users get a free Business Associate Agreement (BAA).
The BAA found on our Free and Pro accounts is meant for individual providers only.
If you have more than one provider from your company using, chat with us about how to get covered under a Clinic BAA.
Not sure if you need a BAA? Learn more here.
Don't need a BAA? Use the toggle to collapse the Generate an agreement section. Optional field.
Generate an agreement:
Input the information listed below to include it, exactly as inputted, on the generated BAA.
Name of covered entity: Enter your name or the title of your organization. Required field.
Name for e-signature: Enter your legal name. Required field.
Position or title: Enter your title or your role in the organization. Required field.
Delete an agreement
Once an agreement has been generated, you can download it to your device, view the agreement, or delete it.
To create a new BAA using different information, please delete the existing agreement.
Check-in notifications
Check-in sound: Choose to have a notification sound play when patients check into your Waiting room.
(Paid plan feature) Email: Opt to receive an email notification each time a patient checks into your Waiting room.
(Paid plan feature) Text message: Choose to receive a text message notification each time a patient checks into your Waiting room.
Chat message notification
Chat message sound: Choose the chat message notification sound that will play when you receive a message from a patient.
Self-preview video
Show on dashboard: Turn on or off the self-preview video that shows on your Dashboard
Preferred language: Select the language’s website will display. The default language is English. New languages are added regularly.
After you have finished making updates, please Save changes.
Waiting Room
Room web address
Room name: Update your Waiting room URL by inputting how you’d like the web address to end. The preview will update automatically. Once changed, please share your updated Waiting room URL with patients as the previous one will no longer be active.
(Paid plan feature) Waiting Room passcode: Set a passcode to prevent unwanted check-ins to your Waiting room. Provide the password to your patients so they can check in for appointments. Or, if you use text or email invites, the passcode will automatically be shared.
After you have finished making updates, please Save changes.