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Waiting room: overview
Waiting room: overview

Discover the features and benefits of the waiting room

Updated over a week ago

Your patient will enter the waiting room after they check in. The patient remains there until you start the call.

Here is a video overview of the default waiting room and what it looks like if the patient is using a desktop computer:

As described in the video, the waiting room features:

  1. Welcome message customized with your name.

  2. Useful tips that will help them prepare for a successful telehealth call.

  3. Video preview of patient that gives instant feedback regarding whether their video and audio are working.

  4. Video and audio test that allows them to test their mic, camera and speakers. This is optional and only available on a desktop computer.

  5. Provider's name and photo are shown in the top left. In order for a photo to appear, you'll need to add your profile photo in Settings. If a profile photo is unavailable, we will display a generic avatar instead.

  6. Provider's status is also displayed:

    1. "Online" displays when you are logged in to your account.

    2. "On another call" is shown when you are on another call.

    3. "Away" status is shown if you are not currently logged into your account.

  7. Chat messaging is available if the patient feels the need to send you a chat message while in the waiting room.

    1. Note: Admins on a Clinic Account can choose to prevent patients from initiating chat messages while in the waiting room by turning off Patient Initiated Chats.

The Patient Queue: Overview article provides all the details you need to manage your waiting room like a pro! And rest assured, patients cannot join a call with you until you choose to start the call.

Tip: The easiest way to experience your waiting room is to check into your own room as if you were a patient.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

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